Precious Metals Commercial Account Request Please complete the following information and we will review your request for approval.Company Name*Company Mailing Address*City*State*Zip Code*Company Street Address(If different from mailing address)CityStateZip CodeCompany Phone*Company FaxEmail Contact* Company URL/WebsiteOwner/Contact Name*Company UBI/Business License #(if available)AuthorizationPersons authorized to deliver scrap metal to Pacific Iron & Metal on behalf of the above company and receive payment for same.Contact Names Disclaimer* I agree Pacific Iron & Metal has provided me the opportunity to review current Washington State and City of Seattle law and to the best of my knowledge, I have not deliberately falsified or lied pursuant to any information provided for the purposes of avoiding any requirements of current law. I certify that the above named company is a valid commercial entity, is licensed to sell used goods, abides by any and all required holding periods for used goods it sells to Pacific Iron & Metal, and I am authorized by the above named commercial entity to transact business with Pacific Iron & Metal. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.